ICsense regularly hosts webinars to provide useful insights in how and when to use ASICs (Application Specific ICs) for automotive, medical, industrial and consumer projects. Sharpen your knowledge on electronics integration and learn if it is useful for your company as well.
ISO26262 compliant ASIC designs
Content: As today’s car sensor network is expanding rapidly and because of the growing electrification, there is an increasing demand for automotive Battery Management Systems (BMS) . Moreover, these trends towards electrification and car autonomy require a high degree of quality and safety in order to protect the car, and most important the driver, against hardware defects potentially causing hazardous malfunctioning of the BMS. This presentation shows how to use state-of-the-art automotive IC design to integrate the current sensing functionality for BMS application in combination with functional safety requirements and diagnostic features.
Presenter: Pieter De Muyter (VP Engineering)
Contact: sales@icsense.com