Electrode arrays for nerve stimulation in cochlear implants

Electrode arrays for nerve stimulation in cochlear implants

ICsense has implemented direct nerve stimulation electrode arrays and nerve response telemetry for cochlear implants. The key challenge was to deliver an accurate charge to the tissue and be able to measure identical charges from the tissue.  As the electronics are wirelessly powered, low power consumption is crucial. The response of the nerves and brain is measured using high-voltage, high-accuracy and low power instrumentation amplifiers.


  • High-voltage, ultra-low-power
  • Accurate charge delivery: highly-accurate DACs with fast settling and fast transients
  • High inter-electrode matching
  • Nerve and brain response instrumentation: uV rms noise and offset with high-voltage inputs, high gain
  • Low standby current
  • 0.35um BCD 80V technology

Chip layout

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